Best Wine List

AA Awards 2024


24 Sep 2024


Moor Hall Wins Best Wine List in England and overall.

Some of the team attended the AA Hospitality Awards in London yesterday and collected the award for Best Wine List in England and overall. The win is a  huge result for our team, particularly our Restaurant Director, Matthew Davison who is responsible for compiling the wine list. Matthew was delighted with the accolade;

“It really is a tremendous achievement and one which I am really proud of personally. It’s wonderful to have all of the team’s hard work recognised in this way, as being awarded something as prestigious as this is no mean feat. We are always striving to continuously make our list better and better, and I genuinely feel like we really do have a world class list, but that doesn’t mean we should ever rest in trying to make improvements where we can. It’s a real luxury to work with a cellar such as ours, and I do count myself very lucky, but it is absolutely fantastic to have all the hard work that goes into maintaining and developing our list recognised. I couldn’t be prouder of our team”

You can view our wine list here.


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